print and digital illustration
A collection of my illustration work found in print issues, online articles, and organizational products for YES! Magazine.
YES! Donor Thank You Card
Personal Essay: “A Life In the Gray”
online article: “What Would a White Woman Do?”
Mixed media.
print columnists: spring 2021
Left: “Reclaiming Our Common Home” by Vandana Shiva
Center: “Tribes Revive Traditional Hemp Economies” by Winona LaDuke
Right: “The Gift of Ecological Humility” by Leah Penniman
online article: “Your Fat Friend Wants You to Start Having Conversations With Fat People”
Mixed media.
print and online article: “About This Uprising”
The Black Lives Issue, Summer 2020.
online article: “This Is Me at 68”: Elders Reflect During Crisis”
Design for social tiles.
social post: “What You Can Do About COVID-19 Right Now”
Illustration and design for social story. Content developed with YES! social media coordinator Iman Mohamed.
social tile: Trayvon Martin
Mixed media.
online article: “Are Asian Americans White? Or People of Color?”
print and online article: “Can We Build a Better Man?”
The Building Bridges Issue, Winter 2020.
print and online article: “How to Turn Dirt Into Soil”*
Mixed media. The Dirt Issue, Spring 2019.
Society of Professional Journalists - Magazine Northwest Excellence in Journalism 2019;
Writing, Photography, Design (Small) First Place in Graphics & Illustration
online article: “Can You Use Marie Kondo’s Tidying Method on People?”
online article: “Dear Activist: The Healing of Handwritten Letters of Thanks”
print and online article: “This Is the Only Plant That Can Save Monarch Butterflies”
The Good Money Issue, Spring 2019.
online infographic article: “How the Oil Industry Is Pushing Plastic”*
Society of Professional Journalists - Magazine Northwest Excellence in Journalism 2018;
Writing, Photography, Design (Small) First Place in Graphics & Illustration
print and online article: “How to Save Heirloom Tomato Seeds”
The Affordable Housing Issue, Summer 2018.